Privacy Policy

  1. Information We Collect:

We at 5MG Limited are committed to safeguarding your privacy. When you use the 5MG Discount Card, we collect information necessary for the proper functioning of the card, such as your name, contact details, and transaction history. Rest assured, we do not share or sell your personal information to third parties without your explicit consent.

  1. How We Use Your Information:

The information collected is utilized to provide you with personalized discounts, improve our services, and communicate essential updates. Your data is securely stored, and we employ industry-standard measures to protect it from unauthorized access.

  1. Third-Party Partnerships:

As part of our commitment to providing diverse discounts, we collaborate with third-party businesses. However, your personal information is not shared with these partners unless explicitly specified in a promotion or offer, and your consent is obtained.

  1. Security Measures:

Your security is our priority. We employ robust security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

  1. Your Choices:

You have the right to manage your personal information. If you wish to update or delete your data, please contact us through the provided channels, and we will promptly address your request.

  1. Updates to the Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. Any significant changes will be communicated to you through our website or other appropriate channels.